
Basketball Analytics 101
basketball analytics 101

This allows the defense a lot of time to recover if the offensive team is able to break the press.Bruning: Yeah, it did, and it was a pretty good year overall and to me, this is just a rock solid business, they're consistently growing, not at a staggering pace, I think at a 5%-10% clip on an annual basis, consistently generating profit and using that to fund investments. The goal of the press is to trap the basketball immediately after it has been inbounded into play. 1-2-1-1 Press - A true full-court press with many possible variations. 250+ Basketball Terms You Must Know.

Like I said, just a rock solid business that should be just fine.Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. They pay the dividends and I think they actually could be a beneficiary to an extent of inflation in terms of being able to pass on some of those costs to customers. I think this past quarter they announced they are going to acquire about 50 Circle Case stores, which I'm familiar with from my time in North Carolina so just a rock solid business.

Note: Schedules a work in progress. It seems like Casey's, I don't want to put any pressure on them, but it seems like they're set up for a pretty nice second half to 2021.2022 T-Rank College Basketball Projections. If you opt out we will not be able to offer you personalised ads and will not hand over your personal information to any third parties.Hill: It seems like one of those businesses, certainly if you look at this quarter, I mean, part of the story for Casey's was a nice increase in foot traffic in the stores, as more people get vaccinated, as more states open up, and by the way, people are traveling, they need to put gas in the tank, get some snacks, get some pizza, that sort of thing. You may exercise your right to opt out of the sale of personal information by using this toggle switch.

Referee Stats Analytics-101. With their position tracked, we then proceed to map the position of these players onto an image of a basketball court.Game Score (GmSc) is a metric developed by basketball statistician John Hollinger. Conf.Player Tracking and Analysis of Basketball Plays Evan Cheshire, Cibele Halasz, and Jose Krause Perin AbstractWe developed an algorithm that tracks the move-ments of ten different players from a video of a basketball game.

I get that we are past earnings season, and so it's not the busiest week for news. To make up for that, Chipotle has increased prices on the menu by 4% to cover the costs. They had 96% growth of digital sales, which I didn't even realize that convenience stores or gas stations have digital sales, so a couple of interesting tidbits that I saw in the press release for the quarter, so encouraging signs both on a post-COVID and COVID impacts there.Hill: You mentioned inflation, that ties into our next story, which is that last month, Chipotle announced it would raise hourly wages for restaurant workers up to $15 an hour by the end of June. They noted that 3.6 million rewards members, which is something I always look for because I'm one of those consumers who is constantly eager to get rewards if I'm a loyal customer, and that breeds loyalty, especially for consumers like me. Like you said, foot traffic is up and something that caught my eye was they are taking advantage of that digitization, if you will.

But I have a quick anecdote here. I have sadly been sitting on the sidelines since I read up a senior thesis on the company and the rebound story with the new CEO coming in from Taco Bell. This seems like the appropriate move.Bruning: Yeah, and this is close to home to me, I'm a huge Chipotle fan.

We can't hire, we don't have enough staff to fill the stores." This is probably a month and a half ago. Is it making you all more efficient?" He said, "We don't really have a choice. I asked one of the line chefs, "You all like this.

I get if Wendy's, McDonald's, Burger King, which are three successful chains that do offer value meals, I get if they are reticent to boost up wages, because that's part of their proposition, "For this amount of money, we're going to feed you," and I think you're right. Every restaurant, whether it's an individual mom-and-pop local place, or a national chain like Chipotle, they're all going to make their own decisions and they are all dealing with the same thing though, which is, how do we get people to work here? We're just going to have to decide what we want to do and fortunately, in the Chipotle case, when you think about the way they market themselves, there is not a value proposition to Chipotle. Again, this is another story of a company being able to pass on the cost of inflation onto their customers.Hill: I get that every business is different. I think this is going to be totally fine. But it makes total sense, and I think a lot of consumers, myself included, are more than willing to pay an additional 4% which is probably going to equate to something like $0.20, $0.30 for your chicken burrito.

I've done very well since I signed up 16 months ago. I appreciate everything you do in your Stock Advisor service. They compete in the same market and announced their most recent earnings last week. I'd be curious to get your take on a company called Sumo Logic. Jason Moser talked about Elastic on Motley Fool Money recently.

They are SaaS company or Software-as-a-Service company that helps address the digital transformation by using automation and data to help build actionable insights for companies. Am I right that they are in the data analytics industry? Yes?Bruning: Yeah. In the same way that when Jason Moser mentioned Elastic and I've never heard of that business before, I never heard of Sumo Logic until this email came in.

Their growth is slowing a little bit. I took a quick look at some of the financials and whatnot, and that's where I had some pause. I wasn't familiar with this company either. There is going to be data that's being included and it's going to be increasingly used moving forward. When you think about just about every single industry is using big data in some way, whether it's machine learning or quantitative analysis and the financial services and you name it.

I think this is starting to be a crowded space and you have to pick the players with some thought and for me personally, after just a quick surface look, Sumo wouldn't be my first deck.Hill: For all of the opportunities in this industry, do you think we're likely to see some consolidation over the next few years? The reason I asked that is because Sumo Logic went public last fall, the stock is not trading dramatically below where at IPO'd, but it's about 20% below where IPO'd. A couple of names I'm semi familiar with are Splunk and Datadog, and Datadog would be the one that I'd be most interested in personally so. In my opinion, I just think there are better opportunities in the data analytics space.

You compare it, like you said, to Elastic, I think you said $14 billion or $15 billion ($11-$12 billion), and then you have the biggest player up incoming player is Datadog. Sumo Logic is about a $2 billion company and it seems like if there is going to be consolidation, they could be a candidate to be acquired.Bruning: Yeah, absolutely and that's what I was about to say if you didn't mention it, it's a $2 billion company. Elastic's a $11-$12 billion company.

basketball analytics 101

That's going to do it for this edition of MarketFoolery. Thanks for being here.Bruning: Yeah, thanks for having me on, Chris.Hill: As always, people on the program may have interest in the stocks they talk about and The Motley Fool may have formal recommendations for or against, so don't buy or sell stocks based solely on what you hear. That's not something that I really ever consider.Hill: You don't want to get the lawyers involved?Hill: Clay Burning, great talking to you. That's just a guess or forecast on something that you have no way of knowing unless you have the insider information, which is a whole nother story. I would never use that as a reason to actually put money in a company saying, hey, I think Datadog can acquire this company, it will probably be at a 30%-40% premium. Does this company might get acquired ever show up on your list when you're thinking about buying a stock, and if so, where does it fall on the list?Bruning: Yeah, I don't try to think about that when I'm looking at a company, because you can never know the future for sure.

basketball analytics 101